Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A certain person was a captain during the second World War, but since he died of a commonplace disease in a civil hospital his widow did not get much by way of pension. So she had to earn some money teaching music, in order to keep her three children - two daughters and a son in elementary ease. The son passed his B.Sc examination with a first class from the Madras University, while still in his teens. The army authorities gave him a job in their cantonment office at Bangalore. His mother, who was overwhelmed with joy, sent him to offer homage to the family deity, Venkatachalapathi on the Tirumala Hills in Andhra Pradesh , so that he could join duty at Bangalore with divine blessings.
However what did happen was the boy got drowned in the holy tank of the temple. His body was in police custody for two days as it was unidentified. The anxious mother was confronted by the photograph of her son's corpse which appeared in the daily papers. But , Baba appeared to her in a dream and directed her to come to Puttaparthi. Bhagawan called her and her children for the precious interview. " Don't weep", He said , "for your son who led a disciplined life and was full of devotion, has now merged with God. When he has found the lotus feet of Bliss, you should not indulge in grief". But she could not be consoled.
Then Swami said, "I know your heart is broken since you could not have even a last glimpse of his body. See, it is here." Saying this, He spread His palm in front of her, and she could clearly see the events of that faithful pilgrimage appear upon it: The son slipped on the steps of the tank, and a few people jumped in to save him. A lotus like bunch of flames rose from his body and proceeded towards the innermost shrine where the idol of Venkatachalapathi is installed, disappearing in a blaze of glory of the Lord's feet. Then she saw the idol come alive and change into a charming image of Baba Himself.
After sometime Baba spoke to her, "Mother, the one you loved as your son was a staunch devotee of the Lord during his previous life. He was engaged in tapas for 12 years on the steps of this very holy temple tank. His deepest desire was to attain Jala samadhi(water-mergence) in those sacred waters. To fulfil that desire he took birth again. Remain in Puttaparthi, ever singing the glory of Venkatachalpathi, who has accepted you on into His fold".

Om Sai Ram

Some persons who have no experience and who do not put their words into practice, go about declaring that the way to peace is to keep samsaara (worldly life) at a distance. That is not peaceful living.  If you do not want the tree to grow, you will have to boil the seed or fry it over a fire; then it will not grow. Instead, if the seed is taken far away from the tree, will it not grow into a tree again? So too, the impulses and vasanas (desires, tendencies) are the seeds that germinate. They should be fried over the fire of discrimination only then can real peace emerge.  If one escapes from the responsibilities of life or duties to society, peace cannot be enjoyed; peace will never come. However, if the desires and tendencies are eliminated and controlled, there is no need to run away. - SWAMI

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