Thursday, June 18, 2009



There is a dark room and in a corner there is a coiled rope. A man enters the room, faintly sees something coiled & shouts "Snake, snake," and rushes out. A crowd gathers, and people then enter the room armed with sticks and carrying a lantern.

And what do they see? It was a rope and not a snake. There was never a snake. There was only a rope!!!

The person who saw it first was deluded on account of darkness, and when the darkness was removed, he along with all others saw that there was no snake and only a rope.

Spirituality means getting rid of this darkness due to which Man is having this illusion that this World is real and GOD is unreal!!!

If the place you must reach is very near, you can just step across; if the distance is more, you may need a vehicle, bullock-drawn or horse-drawn. For longer distances, you may require a car or plane.  But, the Lord is the nearest to US. Slide the door of delusion; remove the curtain of ignorance; open the closed eye!

He is right there beside us, before us! The fog of sensual pleasure is hiding God from us. Switch on the Light - darkness disappears and God becomes visible to us.

The choice is ours…whether we want to hold the snake or the rope!!! Whether we want to put on that switch or not! No point in just dangling our feet in the pool water & then claiming that there are no PEARLS there!!! We need to dive & check it out for ourselves.

PS: God is the basis on which this creation rests. The deepest yearning should be to experience that One. Be aware of the One, which manifests as many. SATHYA SAI BABA


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