Wednesday, April 15, 2009




"Well, I called it the case of having two wolves inside me!" The young boy listened with rapt attention as his Grand father went on with his rather interesting story.

"The first wolf is absolutely harmless, and what's even better is that it seeks peace and harmony around it. It sees only the good in people, never the bad. It doesn't take offense even if someone is nasty to it. Instead, it has a good word for anyone and everyone who crosses his path."

 "Go on, Grandpa," begged the little boy.

Grandpa continued, "This other wolf is a monster. It is under the dangerous delusion that it is the only perfect thing on the planet and constantly finds fault with everything and everyone around it. It has a shallow ego and gets piqued easily. This wolf is always filled with anger and hate. It doesn't realize that hate and anger will get it nowhere."

"When you hear me talk of the second wolf, don't you think it is utterly foolish? Don't you approve of the first wolf and wish the second one never existed? Do you want to know more?"

The boy replied immediately, "Oh, yes, Grandpa, please tell me more."

"These two wolves inside me scream for attention. Each one struggles to push the other to take centre stage. When wolf #1 is the winner for the day, everyone loves me and thinks I'm an angel! But hell breaks loose when wolf #2 decides to be the bully. Wolf #1 is pushed away and all that the world sees of me is a cruel, angry, unreasonable, difficult person to deal with."

"There is a constant tug of war over my spirit, and sometimes it leaves me rather tired and hopeless!" the grandpa continued.

The boy looked intently into his grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which one wins, Grandpa?"

The grandfather smiled and quietly said, "The one I feed!!!"

The boy was speechless & asked, "The one you feed?"

"Naturally", said the grandfather. "Whichever wolf I feed becomes stronger at that time!"

"You mean to say, if you don't feed the 2nd wolf, it would die! In which case, why do you feed it at all?" the boy was curious.

"Ah! That's the challenge always and that's the choice I need to make all the time!!!" acknowledged the grandpa. "You see that God has given us enough freedom to make our choice, to do whatever we want but there is also a catch!"

"God also has decreed that with every choice we make, there is a consequence attached to it. That's all. So it's up to us not to feed the 2nd wolf & up to us to kill it!" the grandpa concluded.

The boy nodded enthusiastically & he had learnt so much that day.

PS:  "Anger, pride, and other passions reduce man to the level of a lunatic and sometimes degrade him to the level of an animal. One's anger is one's greatest enemy and one's calmness is one's protection. One's joy is one's heaven and one's sorrow is one's hell. He who is possessed by anger will be hated by people. Anger leads to many great sins. It is caused by weakness, not of the body but of the mind. To give strength to our mind it is necessary to fill it with good thoughts and good feelings." – SATHYA SAI BABA

A Few Responses…

  1. Dear Sir,

SQ – 31: The saying is very true Sir, but the boomerang might not come back in this very birth, but it will come back for sure. Though every child is born equally, some are born to poor parents and with a "Silver Spoon". This might very well be the boomerang of the past karmas. Also we note that politicians amass so much wealth robbing the people of their own country and we see that nothing happens to them till their death. Maybe their misdeeds boomerang on them in their next birth……….



  1. The SQ – 31 is simply moving and powerful. Great feeling.

Thanks & Regards

Ramachandran G

  1. Dear Saibandhus,

Humble Pranams at the LOTUS FEET OF SWAMI. 

"THE BOOMERANG " is an Excellent, Creative & Soul touching 'teaching' which explains so profoundly the spiritual axiom that whatever one does - good or bad- finally comes back to him/her. The explanation is very plain, simple and very easy not only to understand but also to remember in all our dealings. Wonderful!

Please continue service of such worthiness. May our BHAGAWAN BLESS YOU ALL?

Yours Saibandhu,





(Extracted, compiled & edited from RADIO SAI JOURNALS)

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